Xor Filters: Faster and Smaller Than Bloom and Cuckoo Filters
30 by rbanffy | 4 comments on Hacker News.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
New top story on Hacker News: A startup is building computer chips using real neurons
A startup is building computer chips using real neurons
16 by gautamsivakumar | 0 comments on Hacker News.
16 by gautamsivakumar | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Creatures in This Underwater Forest Could Save Your Life One Day

By BY JOANNA KLEIN AND ANNIE FLANAGAN from NYT Science https://ift.tt/33XOYSs
D.I.Y. Coronavirus Solutions Are Gaining Steam

By BY ALEXANDRA E. PETRI from NYT Science https://ift.tt/2UshGYu
Monday, March 30, 2020
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Best Office Chair?
Ask HN: Best Office Chair?
12 by brundolf | 11 comments on Hacker News.
My home desk-chair is nearly ten years old at this point, and wasn't anything special even when it was new. This is starting to become pretty noticeable now that I'm using it for eight hours every day. Anybody have recommendations for their favorite office/desk chair? I don't want anything huge or ungainly, and ideally not one of those garish "gamer chairs". Something minimalist but comfy, and durable, and good for your back. I've really enjoyed those mesh-based chairs in the past, though I don't remember any specific brands.
12 by brundolf | 11 comments on Hacker News.
My home desk-chair is nearly ten years old at this point, and wasn't anything special even when it was new. This is starting to become pretty noticeable now that I'm using it for eight hours every day. Anybody have recommendations for their favorite office/desk chair? I don't want anything huge or ungainly, and ideally not one of those garish "gamer chairs". Something minimalist but comfy, and durable, and good for your back. I've really enjoyed those mesh-based chairs in the past, though I don't remember any specific brands.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Is now a good time to invest in ETFs?
Ask HN: Is now a good time to invest in ETFs?
16 by r0f1 | 20 comments on Hacker News.
There was a huge drop in all major indices. Is now a good time to invest in exchange traded funds?
16 by r0f1 | 20 comments on Hacker News.
There was a huge drop in all major indices. Is now a good time to invest in exchange traded funds?
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Infinite Visions Were Hiding in the First Black Hole Image’s Rings

By BY DENNIS OVERBYE from NYT Science https://ift.tt/3aw2bVi
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Introductory Books on the Stock Market?
Ask HN: Introductory Books on the Stock Market?
6 by goose847 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hello all. Most of the books out there on the stock market are these flashy title kind of books promising to make you money. I'm instead interested at learning about the systems at play with the stock market as the whole thing has always confused me. Books/Articles/Online Courses will be appreciated!
6 by goose847 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hello all. Most of the books out there on the stock market are these flashy title kind of books promising to make you money. I'm instead interested at learning about the systems at play with the stock market as the whole thing has always confused me. Books/Articles/Online Courses will be appreciated!
Friday, March 27, 2020
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Unemployed. What on earth should I do with my life?
Ask HN: Unemployed. What on earth should I do with my life?
17 by confused-c | 7 comments on Hacker News.
I've been unemployed for several months. I don't know what my next job will be, or how to get it. I humbly request your advice on: "What jobs should CC seek, and not seek? How can CC provide value to others?" Skills/talents: I'm much more interested in "how do I get $THING working enough to accomplish important tasks?" than "how do I optimize $THING performance?" My last job was in a CS research lab; I did no computer science but plenty of automation and process-improvement. I've written & implemented a text adventure. Emacs diehard. BA Linguistics (5 years analyzing patterns in syntax, semantics.) Outside computering, I'm a keen writer: between my journal and my website, I produce >100,000 words a year. I consistently make others laugh: in conversation, on stage, and through writing. I've been a Chinese translator and have decent spoken Mandarin. I've already: Applied to hundreds of jobs (interviewed for perhaps ten). Translator positions ask for native Mandarin and good English, not the other way around. Engineer roles select for those who can whip out perfect algo/DS on command (I understand the need for expertise, but my IRL experience is that not having the perfect construct memorized is never the bottleneck to success.) I've had "data analyst" interviews, but no offers, and no clinical research analyst callbacks despite having done that job. Sent loads of cold emails. Volunteered with techy/Chinesey nonprofits/meetups/interest groups. This has brought friends, satisfaction, and board membership, but not career advancement -- and COVID-19 has frozen all events. I'm now: Applying to automation-engineer jobs (thanks, HN "Who's Hiring.") Building server development skills: learning Flask, EC2. Looking at videogame writer jobs. Seeking out startups/small firms that might react positively to who I am/what I do. Considering grad school. My resume and I are at confused.computerman@gmail.com. Thank you for reading. Have a pleasant day. CC
17 by confused-c | 7 comments on Hacker News.
I've been unemployed for several months. I don't know what my next job will be, or how to get it. I humbly request your advice on: "What jobs should CC seek, and not seek? How can CC provide value to others?" Skills/talents: I'm much more interested in "how do I get $THING working enough to accomplish important tasks?" than "how do I optimize $THING performance?" My last job was in a CS research lab; I did no computer science but plenty of automation and process-improvement. I've written & implemented a text adventure. Emacs diehard. BA Linguistics (5 years analyzing patterns in syntax, semantics.) Outside computering, I'm a keen writer: between my journal and my website, I produce >100,000 words a year. I consistently make others laugh: in conversation, on stage, and through writing. I've been a Chinese translator and have decent spoken Mandarin. I've already: Applied to hundreds of jobs (interviewed for perhaps ten). Translator positions ask for native Mandarin and good English, not the other way around. Engineer roles select for those who can whip out perfect algo/DS on command (I understand the need for expertise, but my IRL experience is that not having the perfect construct memorized is never the bottleneck to success.) I've had "data analyst" interviews, but no offers, and no clinical research analyst callbacks despite having done that job. Sent loads of cold emails. Volunteered with techy/Chinesey nonprofits/meetups/interest groups. This has brought friends, satisfaction, and board membership, but not career advancement -- and COVID-19 has frozen all events. I'm now: Applying to automation-engineer jobs (thanks, HN "Who's Hiring.") Building server development skills: learning Flask, EC2. Looking at videogame writer jobs. Seeking out startups/small firms that might react positively to who I am/what I do. Considering grad school. My resume and I are at confused.computerman@gmail.com. Thank you for reading. Have a pleasant day. CC
A Heart Attack? No, It Was the Coronavirus

By BY GINA KOLATA from NYT Health https://ift.tt/2UBRRUQ
More Americans Should Probably Wear Masks for Protection

By BY KNVUL SHEIKH from NYT Health https://ift.tt/2y9yH0U
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Early Graduation Could Send Medical Students to Virus Front Lines

By BY EMMA GOLDBERG from NYT Health https://ift.tt/33MVPhH
New top story on Hacker News: Suggest HN: No April Fools this year
Suggest HN: No April Fools this year
42 by bryanrasmussen | 17 comments on Hacker News.
As you get near April Fools, and need to deploy your prank pages, perhaps reconsider doing it. As a general rule April Fools has become less popular on the web the more widespread it has become, and some people might take levity badly given the current world situation - I myself am among the party of people who think everything is open to mockery, but only if the jokes are good. Most April Fools pranks are tedious. Obviously you may not have the ultimate say in what pranks are to be played at your company on the world, but perhaps you can push back on them and point out they might not be as well received as in years past.
42 by bryanrasmussen | 17 comments on Hacker News.
As you get near April Fools, and need to deploy your prank pages, perhaps reconsider doing it. As a general rule April Fools has become less popular on the web the more widespread it has become, and some people might take levity badly given the current world situation - I myself am among the party of people who think everything is open to mockery, but only if the jokes are good. Most April Fools pranks are tedious. Obviously you may not have the ultimate say in what pranks are to be played at your company on the world, but perhaps you can push back on them and point out they might not be as well received as in years past.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How to Self Study Physics?
Ask HN: How to Self Study Physics?
14 by hsikka | 5 comments on Hacker News.
Hey HN, I'm a CS graduate student, and I do a lot of Deep Learning Research. I've always wanted to get a strong foundation in Physics, and while on lockdown because of COVID, I thought it would be a great opportunity. I've run across this incredible guide https://ift.tt/2kPZYcv and I was also thinking about going through MIT Open Courseware following their bachelor's curriculum. Do you all have any suggestions or tips? I really appreciate it!
14 by hsikka | 5 comments on Hacker News.
Hey HN, I'm a CS graduate student, and I do a lot of Deep Learning Research. I've always wanted to get a strong foundation in Physics, and while on lockdown because of COVID, I thought it would be a great opportunity. I've run across this incredible guide https://ift.tt/2kPZYcv and I was also thinking about going through MIT Open Courseware following their bachelor's curriculum. Do you all have any suggestions or tips? I really appreciate it!
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How would you improve this bash oneliner for deleting tweets?
Ask HN: How would you improve this bash oneliner for deleting tweets?
9 by jamiehall | 2 comments on Hacker News.
Many people use tweet deletion services, which periodically remove everything from their Twitter timeline; I wondered if it could be done from a Bash command line. I wrote up my experiences as an explainer for nontechnical people: https://ift.tt/2y1gdzB... TL;DR, here is the oneliner I've been using: $ twurl "/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=YOUR_TWITTER_HANDLE&count=200 &max_id=$( twurl '/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=YOUR_TWITTER_HANDLE&count=200&include_rts=1' | jq -c -r '.[] | .id_str' | head -10 | tail -1) &include_rts=1" | jq -c -r '.[] | .id_str' | parallel -j 10 -a - twurl -X POST /1.1/statuses/destroy/{1}.json > /dev/null [Edit: I've put line breaks in there to make it more legible.] I'm curious if it's possible to do better. In particular: could this be more elegant? Is it possible to do it using common built-ins, instead of twurl and jq? Any suggestions or improvements would be very welcome!
9 by jamiehall | 2 comments on Hacker News.
Many people use tweet deletion services, which periodically remove everything from their Twitter timeline; I wondered if it could be done from a Bash command line. I wrote up my experiences as an explainer for nontechnical people: https://ift.tt/2y1gdzB... TL;DR, here is the oneliner I've been using: $ twurl "/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=YOUR_TWITTER_HANDLE&count=200 &max_id=$( twurl '/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=YOUR_TWITTER_HANDLE&count=200&include_rts=1' | jq -c -r '.[] | .id_str' | head -10 | tail -1) &include_rts=1" | jq -c -r '.[] | .id_str' | parallel -j 10 -a - twurl -X POST /1.1/statuses/destroy/{1}.json > /dev/null [Edit: I've put line breaks in there to make it more legible.] I'm curious if it's possible to do better. In particular: could this be more elegant? Is it possible to do it using common built-ins, instead of twurl and jq? Any suggestions or improvements would be very welcome!
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
New top story on Hacker News: Unclogging Toilets at $400k a Flush Hits Navy’s Costs
Unclogging Toilets at $400k a Flush Hits Navy’s Costs
25 by smacktoward | 9 comments on Hacker News.
25 by smacktoward | 9 comments on Hacker News.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Welcome to the Virosphere

By BY CARL ZIMMER from NYT Science https://ift.tt/33KUHLw
The Search for E.T. Goes on Hold, for Now

By BY DENNIS OVERBYE from NYT Science https://ift.tt/2JkSEV7
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Scientists Identify 69 Drugs to Test Against the Coronavirus

By BY CARL ZIMMER from NYT Science https://ift.tt/39bAP5d
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Where Are All the Masks?

By BY AMELIA NIERENBERG from NYT Health https://ift.tt/2wiP62L
Friday, March 20, 2020
Trump’s Embrace of Unproven Drugs to Treat Coronavirus Defies Science
By BY KATIE THOMAS AND DENISE GRADY from NYT Health https://ift.tt/2J0LqW3
Thursday, March 19, 2020
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Outreach for Covid-19 longitudinal study proposal?
Ask HN: Outreach for Covid-19 longitudinal study proposal?
13 by william-at-rain | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I'm failing at finding development help for a COVID-19 study initiative. I could use your ideas and critiques. https://ift.tt/2IZSimr... BACKGROUND: A small nonprofit called RAIN in Tacoma just bought and set up blood gathering and testing equipment, and they have an antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 ready to go. Sample collection starts next week, with an eye to scaling to many thousands in the Tacoma area. PhDs in immunology, microbiology, and virology are heading up the effort. They need some technology beyond what they know on the market, and (since it's a nonprofit) they called up volunteers. I'm a volunteer, and I wrote the markdown doc in the gist. The idea is to make longitudinal studies possible for persons that are tested for COVID-19. How can I find help to make this happen for our town?
13 by william-at-rain | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I'm failing at finding development help for a COVID-19 study initiative. I could use your ideas and critiques. https://ift.tt/2IZSimr... BACKGROUND: A small nonprofit called RAIN in Tacoma just bought and set up blood gathering and testing equipment, and they have an antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 ready to go. Sample collection starts next week, with an eye to scaling to many thousands in the Tacoma area. PhDs in immunology, microbiology, and virology are heading up the effort. They need some technology beyond what they know on the market, and (since it's a nonprofit) they called up volunteers. I'm a volunteer, and I wrote the markdown doc in the gist. The idea is to make longitudinal studies possible for persons that are tested for COVID-19. How can I find help to make this happen for our town?
Coronavirus Delays Work on NASA’s Moon Rocket and Capsule

By BY KENNETH CHANG from NYT Science https://ift.tt/2IZRWwj
With Minimal Evidence, Trump Asks F.D.A. to Study Malaria Drugs for Coronavirus

By BY DENISE GRADY AND KATIE THOMAS from NYT Health https://ift.tt/2UpV89P
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
A Promising Treatment for Coronavirus Fails

By BY DENISE GRADY from NYT Health https://ift.tt/2vBh5u6
Abel Prize in Mathematics Shared by 2 Trailblazers of Probability and Dynamics

By BY KENNETH CHANG from NYT Science https://ift.tt/3acfo56
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
New top story on Hacker News: DFI GHF51: AMD Ryzen R1000 on a Raspberry Pi Sized Board
DFI GHF51: AMD Ryzen R1000 on a Raspberry Pi Sized Board
16 by teruakohatu | 1 comments on Hacker News.
16 by teruakohatu | 1 comments on Hacker News.
New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Help. Covid case at work; remote work is being denied. EU region.
Ask HN: Help. Covid case at work; remote work is being denied. EU region.
11 by TYPE-ERROR | 7 comments on Hacker News.
Hello HN. I'm working at a place where, according to a very credible and personally-detailed report, has had a known positive Covid-19 case. It was later denied. It seems pretty clear what's going on. I'm now seeing my teammates become sick, and still it has been decided that we must not work from home, despite that being possible. It's hard to understand why critical human resources are being put at risk. It's hard to understand why I'm putting up with this. It's hard to understand why I feel like I'm cannot share more details about the situation. I really feel like I need to talk with someone about it. Anyone else? Thank you.
11 by TYPE-ERROR | 7 comments on Hacker News.
Hello HN. I'm working at a place where, according to a very credible and personally-detailed report, has had a known positive Covid-19 case. It was later denied. It seems pretty clear what's going on. I'm now seeing my teammates become sick, and still it has been decided that we must not work from home, despite that being possible. It's hard to understand why critical human resources are being put at risk. It's hard to understand why I'm putting up with this. It's hard to understand why I feel like I'm cannot share more details about the situation. I really feel like I need to talk with someone about it. Anyone else? Thank you.
Did Federal Officials Really Question W.H.O. Tests for Coronavirus?

By BY DONALD G. MCNEIL JR. from NYT Health https://ift.tt/3bath4d
Monday, March 16, 2020
No More Than 10 People in One Place, Trump Said. But Why?

By BY KNVUL SHEIKH from NYT Health https://ift.tt/3d7rw9q
Sunday, March 15, 2020
New top story on Hacker News: Y Combinator may go fully remote for its next cohort
Y Combinator may go fully remote for its next cohort
32 by sahin-boydas | 3 comments on Hacker News.
32 by sahin-boydas | 3 comments on Hacker News.
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