Monday, April 18, 2022

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: MacBooks seems to be the only viable option these days

Ask HN: MacBooks seems to be the only viable option these days
48 by open1414 | 108 comments on Hacker News.
I've used ThinkPads all the way from the IBM days and those good old solid Dell computers too. Recently, I decided it was time for an update. I use Linux on the often so it was important for me to purchase a laptop that was compatible. I bought 2 laptops, all of which I had to return in the last 2 months. 1. Dell XPS: I spent over 20+ hours with their support going back and forth. I also had a tech come to my house to replace my motherboard before I gave up and demanded a return 2. Lenovo Carbon X1: The laptop came with a faulty keyboard so I just returned it because I didn't want to wait 30 days for a mail-in repair or drive 2 hours to go to a "local" repair shop. They also made me order the laptop 3 times because their system kept cancelling it for whatever reason so it took an insane amount of time to just purchase the laptop (I spent ~6 hours to just purchase the laptop) Maybe I'm just unlucky but the time I spent and energy I spent to just purchase these laptops shows you why people buy from Apple instead. I strongly dislike MacOS because they force the "apple way" of doing things. But it seems to be the only option these days to buy a computer with ease and get a computer "that just works". My Macbook was more expensive but the time I saved outweighs the price imo.

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